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Brake pads

Order Brake Pads Affordably at the Online Shop

Brake pads play a crucial role in the braking system of a bicycle, as they are key to stopping the vehicle safely and controlled. These small yet significant components are made from a friction-resistant material that is pressed against the brake disc in disc brakes or the rim in rim brakes during braking. This friction creates the necessary deceleration or stop of the bicycle.

Due to the constant contact with the braking surfaces, brake pads naturally wear out over time. Therefore, it is important to regularly check and replace them if necessary to ensure optimal braking performance. Worn brake pads can not only reduce braking power but also damage the braking surfaces.

There are various types of brake pads on the market, including organic, semi-metallic, and metallic variants. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Organic brake pads generally provide good braking performance with low noise, while semi-metallic and metallic pads are often more durable and suitable for more demanding conditions due to their material composition.