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AtranVelo Newrack One AVS Interface black

124706 / 7350006383212 / 1309-71
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  • A refined, improved and unifying design update to our beloved NEWRACK. The new interface is made of solid aluminum and enables you to attach AVS bags, baskets, crates, and other accessories with ease to almost any traditional bike rack.
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    AtranVelo is a Swedish manufacturer of high-quality bicycle parts and accessories, operating since 1937. The company has made a name for itself with its innovative and user-friendly products, suitable for both everyday cyclists and adventurers. AtranVelo offers a wide range of bicycle racks, baskets, and bags, distinguished by their modular design and easy installation.

    AtranVelo is particularly known for its AtranVelo System (AVS), a click system that allows for the quick and secure attachment and release of baskets and bags on the bicycle. This system is compatible with a variety of bikes and accessories, providing a flexible solution for carrying cargo.

    AtranVelo places great emphasis on quality, functionality, and Scandinavian design, making their products both durable and stylish.
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