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It’s been 2 months since I’ve started a new lifestyle of eating a low carb high fat diet. I haven’t stuck to it 100%, but I’ve still noticed a few changes in how my body’s responding. The first thing I noticed was that I wasn’t getting as hungry between meals. Usually I’d just make it […]
In my earlier post I had a look at drinking habits and hydration. After a recent spate of documentaries on SBS about certain diets I’ve become interested in the low carb high fat diet. Previously, I’ve been on a high carb, low fat diet. There are many different philosophies on what to eat. I’ve been […]
Everybody is telling us to drink lots of water and to stay hydrated, but how much do we actually need to drink to prevent dehydration? In this post I give my understanding of staying hydrated. Dehydration is when the body loses an excessive amount of water, resulting in a disruption of metabolic pathways. Generally speaking the body […]